Pauling your Leps since 2024™
Please read over the updated terms of service.

General Rules
LepsMedia is a website that accepts everyone.
While copied content IS allowed, we heavily encourage you to create original and HIGH-QUALITY content.
You can upload ANYTHING to LepsMedia as long as it isn't the following:
- Gore
- Pornography or Child Pornography
- Harrassment towards an individual, community, or group of people
- Homophobic, transphobic, racist, anti-semetic (Nazi Content), or any of the sort.
Bug Reports + Video Reports
If you see a video breaking the TOS, please notify us at the discord in the footer.
Found a bug? report it in the #bug-reports channel in the discord.

Official Discord Server: In the footer

We do NOT store IPs. All that is stored is your password, email, and username.
Other things that are stored are your videos, comments, etcettera. You can request to retrieve them.
We do not sell data.
Have any privacy concerns? The discord is located at the footer.